Investment Management

A time-tested approach built on providing value
  • Access advice based on rigorous research.
  • Achieve risk/reward balance.
  • Benefit from constant monitoring of portfolios.

Minimize risk and
maximize potential returns.

The Wealth Management team at First Bank in Missouri, Illinois, and California merges an overall philosophy with an individualized approach.

For some clients, wealth comes from business success. For others, it's part of a family legacy. In all cases, it presents remarkable opportunities and challenges. For the Wealth Management team, there's no one-size-fits-all investing approach. We take the time to understand your financial goals and risk comfort levels as we help shape your portfolio.

  • We use rigorous academic research to gain insights about market trends and returns.
  • We seek to generate higher after-tax returns with low-cost, tax-efficient solutions.*
  • We create asset allocation plans for investors that are designed to minimize risk and maximize potential returns.
  • We factor in your age, market conditions and time horizon for achieving your objectives.
  • We carefully monitor your account and re-balance it when necessary to ensure that you are maintaining the right balance between risk and reward.
Life Insurance
Don't let "what if" turn into "what now". Stop losing sleep and let us give you peace of mind.